View Profile eiimiis

eiimiis's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 431 (From 168 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 6,530 Points

Impossible Hardy

Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/225 points)

A Coin 5 Points

Get your first coin!

Just Keep Jumping 10 Points

Jump 500 times

Never Say Die 25 Points

Make at least 100 attempts

Warmup 25 Points

Get at least 6 score

Hardy Hard Hard 50 Points

Get at least 12 score

Impassible 100 Points

Get at least 20 score

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Into Oblivion

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/265 points)

Into Oblivion 5 Points

Start the game for the first time

Is This Where It Ends? 5 Points

Reach the final stage

A Meaningful Escape 10 Points

Clear the game on Medium

Escape! 10 Points

Finish the game

That Was Child's Play 10 Points

Clear the game on Easy

King of the Darkness 25 Points

Clear the game on Hard

Champion of the Darkness 50 Points

Clear the game on Extreme

Icarus 100 Points

Clear the game on Nightmare

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Jump The Sky

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)

Score=25 5 Points

You reached a score of 25!

Score=50 10 Points

You reached a score of 50!

Score=75 25 Points

You reached a score of 75!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Jumper 3: Stencyl Jam Cut

Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)

Eminent Domain 5 Points

Welcome to jail

Kill the Plumber

Medals Earned: 4/15 (45/370 points)

1UP Yours 5 Points

Kill the plumber 10 times

Indie Giving 5 Points

Check out Dojo.com

World 1 Done 10 Points

Beat level 12 under 5 seconds

Another Castle 25 Points

Beat level 24

Join the Army 5 Points

Like Kill the Plumber's page

No Stomping 5 Points

Get stomped on level 1.

Shortcut 5 Points

Beat level 12 under 5 seconds

Deathtouch 10 Points

Touch and kill the plumber on level 4

100 Lives Lost 25 Points

Kill the plumber 100 times.

Castle Crushed 25 Points

Beat level 36

Jumpless 25 Points

Beat level 10 without jumping

Must Kill 25 Points

Kill the plumber before timer runs out on level 23

Completionist 50 Points

Beat all Lost Levels

Lost Levels 50 Points

Get at least 108 stars

Perfectionist 100 Points

Get all 144 stars

Kissy Square

Medals Earned: 1/17 (5/435 points)

First Kiss... with a Wall 5 Points

First time kiss with a wall. Does it feel strange?

First Kiss 5 Points

Gained the first time kiss. How does it feel kissing for the first time?

First Kiss Hesitation 5 Points

Canceled kissing 5 times before first kiss.

New Love Atmosphere 5 Points

Changed a color.

Runny Square 5 Points

Checked the More Games.

Second Kiss 5 Points

Reached 2 kisses. A first kiss wasn't enough, was it?

The C Button 5 Points

Checked the Credit.

Warm Kiss 5 Points

Reached 4 kisses. It's getting warm.

Hard Kiss 10 Points

Kissed the wall 16 times. It hurts.

Warmer Kiss 10 Points

Reached 8 kisses. It's getting warmer.

Hot Kiss 25 Points

Reached 16 kisses. It's getting hot.

Love is Blind 25 Points

Set all colors to pure black(R=0, G=0, B=0).

Masochist Kiss 25 Points

Kissed the wall 32 times. It hurts but somehow it gets exciting.

Burning Kiss 50 Points

Reached 32 kisses. It's getting too hot!

Fell in Love with Wall 50 Points

Kissed the wall 64 times. Well, that is strange...

Blind Kiss 100 Points

First kiss with all color sets to pure black(R=0, G=0, B=0).

Lovely Kiss 100 Points

Reached 64 kisses. It's getting lovely.

Land Of Darkness

Medals Earned: 4/12 (30/480 points)

Score BRONZE 5 Points

10000 Points

Stars BRONZE 5 Points

10 Stars

Distance BRONZE 10 Points

1000 Meters

Multiplier BRONZE 10 Points

X3 Multiplier

Score SILVER 25 Points


Stars SILVER 25 Points

40 Stars

Distance SILVER 50 Points

4000 Meters

Multiplier SILVER 50 Points

X6 Multiplier

Score GOLD 50 Points

1000000 points

Stars GOLD 50 Points

100 Stars

Distance GOLD 100 Points

8000 Meters

Multiplier GOLD 100 Points

X9 Multiplier

Laser Bricks

Medals Earned: 2/6 (15/215 points)

Stage 1 5 Points

Stage 1

Stage 2 10 Points

Stage 2

Stage 3 25 Points

Stage 3

Stage 4 25 Points

Stage 4

Stage 5 50 Points

Stage 5

Stage 6 100 Points

Stage 6

Laser Links Puzzle

Medals Earned: 4/6 (45/120 points)

Beginner 5 Points

You have completed the Beginner campaign.

Initiate 5 Points

You have completed the Initiate campaign.

Advanced 10 Points

You have completed the Advanced campaign.

Met The Standards 25 Points

You have completed Standard Mode!

Crystal Clear 25 Points

You have completed Crystal Mode!

Shines Under Pressure 50 Points

You have completed Challenge Mode! Hats Off!

Late to the Show

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/45 points)

Going Full Monty 5 Points

Just don't bring your costume at all...

No Show 5 Points

You either never made it in time, or never bothered to show up!

Ruining the Magic 10 Points

I think you've forgotten something...

Let the show begin! 25 Points

You arrived in full costume, and the crowd loves it!